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F001: His148 -NH to Thr203 =O

Probability density function

Hydrogen bonding

The following table presents the probability of the hydrogen bonding (within 2.5 Å).

System H bond
Reduced 0.865
Oxidized 0.997
Cu(I) 0.063


Reduced roGFP2

Distance (Å) Density
1.49 \(2.687 \times 10^{-10}\)
1.96 \(2.045 \times 10^{+00}\)
3.79 \(3.777 \times 10^{-03}\)
3.82 \(4.024 \times 10^{-03}\)
4.01 \(9.136 \times 10^{-04}\)
4.09 \(1.120 \times 10^{-03}\)
4.23 \(2.843 \times 10^{-04}\)
4.28 \(3.749 \times 10^{-04}\)
4.44 \(1.677 \times 10^{-08}\)
4.53 \(1.313 \times 10^{-04}\)
4.63 \(1.069 \times 10^{-09}\)
4.88 \(4.034 \times 10^{-70}\)
5.12 \(9.748 \times 10^{-12}\)
5.23 \(1.299 \times 10^{-04}\)
5.34 \(1.111 \times 10^{-10}\)

Oxidized roGFP2

Distance (Å) Density
1.11 \(0.000 \times 10^{+00}\)
1.55 \(5.741 \times 10^{-07}\)
1.90 \(3.312 \times 10^{+00}\)
3.16 \(2.176 \times 10^{-04}\)
3.23 \(1.120 \times 10^{-16}\)
3.35 \(2.510 \times 10^{-26}\)
3.44 \(2.350 \times 10^{-04}\)
3.67 \(8.714 \times 10^{-182}\)

roGFP2 and Cu(I)

Distance (Å) Density
1.50 \(5.409 \times 10^{-14}\)
2.95 \(1.246 \times 10^{+00}\)
4.93 \(4.549 \times 10^{-04}\)
5.04 \(7.231 \times 10^{-04}\)
5.12 \(2.563 \times 10^{-04}\)
5.17 \(4.277 \times 10^{-04}\)
5.31 \(1.166 \times 10^{-05}\)
5.37 \(1.074 \times 10^{-04}\)
5.53 \(1.709 \times 10^{-12}\)

Potential of mean force


Reduced roGFP2

Distance (Å) PMF [kcal/mol]
1.96 -0.001
3.79 3.752
3.82 3.714
4.01 4.598
4.09 4.477
4.23 5.294
4.28 5.129
4.44 11.100
4.53 5.755
4.88 95.684
5.23 5.761
6.00 432.989
6.02 69.062

Oxidized roGFP2

Distance (Å) PMF [kcal/mol]
1.08 69.239
1.31 324.467
1.65 2.198
1.80 0.080
1.87 -0.115
2.94 4.716
3.05 5.352
3.27 51.305
3.43 5.451
3.69 292.108
3.95 69.239

roGFP2 and Cu(I)

Distance (Å) PMF [kcal/mol]
2.95 -2.017
4.93 2.702
5.04 2.425
5.12 3.044
5.17 2.738
5.31 4.886
5.37 3.562
6.31 426.545
6.33 66.750
9.99 66.750
